Work Experience

Experience life in a creative agency!

At Straight Lines we believe in sharing our experience with students who are looking to learn more about what it’s like to work in a creative agency, and how we help businesses to connect with their clients.

We appreciate curiosity and creativity and work on a daily basis combining the two!

If this sounds like you, please apply to join us for work experience.

Web Design is...
creating stylish & powerful websites that help communicate, sell and connect with a company's customers.
Graphic Design is...
the art of combining text and images to communicate and connect.
Marketing is...
is the process of getting people interested in a company's product or service.
Be Brave. Stand Out.

Please note, work experience placements with Straight Lines are limited and we do get a lot of requests, so take the time to fill in the form and do your best to stand out!  

We want to know who you are and why you chose us!

Work Experience Application Form

Show us who you are!! We would love to know more about you. Break the rules and dare to stand out. Attach any artwork, design, photos, inspiration or videos that show us more about who you are!

Our Work

That's it!
There's nothing here!